Meet The Owner, Latrice

First, thank you so much for taking the time to click and view my website. It truly means a lot!

My Life – I am a wife, a mother, a life-long learner, and a Soldier with 16 years of experience in physical fitness in the military, and an avid supporter of the sport of bodybuilding and everything health and fitness.

I got serious about fitness in 2007 during my first deployment. I got tired of being underestimated as I saw some of my peer groups outshine me. I began my fitness journey through Google and any articles that I could read. I have tried all diets and most exercise types including boxing, martial arts, cross-fit, Olympic lifting, long-distance running, obstacle courses, yoga, and many others. And I LOVE IT ALL! Through everything that I had learned from experience, there was one thing that I still was lacking……..EDUCATION! The media has marketing tricks to take your money and have you on diet after diet. This is why I pursued my certification.

In 2020, after I finished a very challenging position in the military, I set a goal that was so much bigger than my current situation and I knew that to achieve that goal, I was going to have to dig deep. I started this business to positively affect the industry of health and fitness in my local community and all over the world. I want to promote healthy and sustainable habits and daily choices that lead to long-term success. I believe there is power in nutrition, movement, and intentional exercise.

I have always wanted to look and feel my best. I wanted the knowledge of health and fitness to be displayed on the outside. In hopes of gaining more knowledge of total body transformation and providing personal experience to future clients, I decided to compete in bodybuilding. Despite the pandemic, I made a decision to get the body I always wanted. 29 long weeks of competition prep and I WAS HOOKED! Bodybuilding has now become a passion and I intend on supporting the industry and providing knowledge to those willing to listen. My bodybuilding career is young and I am truly excited about what the future holds.

Fitness develops mental stability, regulates stress, decreases chances of heart failure, lowers blood pressure, helps control weight, boosts self-confidence, boosts self-esteem, helps you think, learn, and be more creative, and is the solution to a lot of wellness issues in society. I want to be a part of the population that affects change. This is why I chose to become a personal trainer and a nutrition coach.

I am a lifelong learner!


Certifications: Certified Personal Trainer with ISSA; Certified Group Fitness Trainer; Certified Master Fitness Trainer for the United States Army, Certified National Academy of Metabolic Science Nutrition Consultant, National Academy of Metabolic Science Physique Enhancement and Contest Prep Coach, Currently in Masters Degree Program for Nutrition

Training Style – I specialize in Strength Training Programs, Fat Loss, Weight Management, Physique Enhancement, Lifestyle Habit Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, Planning and Organizing Fitness Events, Tactical Combat Physical Training, and more


Hi athletes! I am currently an active-duty Soldier, bodybuilder, and licensed practical nurse with over 8 years of experience and knowledge in physical fitness and health, 3 years of experience in bodybuilding, and a life-long promoter of health and overall wellness. I began my weight loss journey in 2012, my senior year of high school because I spent most of my life obese and I was tired of the way I looked and felt (I stand 65 inches off the ground with my heaviest being 200+). My mother was my inspiration to lose weight and as I continued to educate myself about health and wellness through the years, I have kept it off. After joining the United States Army in August of 2016, I was determined to take this passion further and I wanted to get a perfect score on my physical fitness test. I began researching articles, reading books, and connecting with members of the healthcare system as well as the fitness industry. I knew that my goal was not just to lose weight for a short time. My goal was to maintain a healthy lifestyle and 11 years later I have managed to do so. With a background in nursing, I gained a deeper understanding of how the body and mind work together to function, I learned how to take care of individuals who were sick, I learned how to educate individuals on their health habits, but most importantly I learned how to teach habits that transformed lifestyles not just bodies. With my background in physical fitness and bodybuilding, I have learned to apply the skills and knowledge I learned in school. I have competed and won two amateur bodybuilding shows in the women’s physique and bodybuilding division (survived 20+ weeks of competition prep).

I currently hold a Certified Master Fitness Trainer from the United States Army and Certified Sports Nutrition Coach Certification from the National Science Academy of Metabolic Science, currently working on my personal commitment to bodybuilding as a physique competitor; Bodybuilding Certification, and Performance Training Certifications from the National Science Academy of Metabolic Science. I believe health is wealth and why not make small changes to add more years to your life? Why not create better daily habits for yourself and be an example for your friends and family? Being in shape and the fittest YOU are about more than just your body. It’s about the lifestyle you have envisioned for yourself and the legacy you want to leave. I pride myself on always returning to my “WHY”, meaning the reason I began this journey in the first place. My WHY is personal, tailored to my needs and wants, and has prevented me from being on the verge of having diabetes and high blood pressure too. Let me help you discover your WHY!! Whether that is to fit into a pair of jeans you bought or to be ripped and muscular I am here to see you to the finish line and beyond.


I am truly blessed to be doing what I love. Training people to be the best version of themselves.

I am a father of 4, which means my life stays moving, and I love it. I am a lover of outdoor activities, which include kayaking, rock climbing, skating, and swimming. Pretty much anything that really gives me a challenge.

I am currently a certified USAG gymnastics instructor and have been doing this for the last 14 years. As well as a tumbling instructor.

My passion for this sport has only led me further down the road of fitness and exercise. To push and see what the body is capable of when you put your mind to it. The discipline I have learned from this sport has taught to me so much about what a person is capable of, and even more than that how I want others to achieve similar goals they’ve set for themselves. Watching these kids challenge themselves day in and day out against almost impossible tasks made me want to jump into the fire to see what I could do.

In 2021, I challenged myself in the sport of bodybuilding to see what I could do. While it was a very difficult journey, it was one that I was grateful that I started and am continuing as we speak. Along this path, I encountered many people who had the same desire as I did and pushed me to be the best I could be. This being the feeling I had coaching gymnastics, pouring into each child I came across, was now manifesting itself in this new passion for lifting, fitness, and overall health.

Seeing clients push through workouts, disciplining not only their body but their minds to achieve their goals no matter how big or small. Not changing or challenging themselves for 2 weeks, 1 month, or for a year, but for life.